Monday, September 7, 2009

I was warned - Almost All of it is done

Getting an Education is not negotiable.

Motivating my child to understand that Education is more important than anything.

A man that graduated in 30 years ago went to school to get an education. He would not be trained to perform a job, but to be an innovator that would revolutionized an industry. He needed to solve a problem. We need to re-train our entire society that we all need to be thinking outside of the box on a daily basis.

10 Tips for Learning Coaches

1. You Don't Have to Do it All! - I have trouble with this one.

2. It's all about Mastering the Objectives. I love this one.

3. Teachers are your friend! Reach out sooner rather than later.I have done this one.

4 . Develop Your Community -live, virtual, near and far. I am working on this one.

5. Organize your materials and your day. I had this one done two years ago.

6. Think Outside the Box. This isn't your typical school! This is my whole point.

7. Remember to mark your attendance daily. Not a problem with the electronic interface.

8. Determine your family's best schedule. Sometimes earlier isn?t better! I think this needs to be revisited for me.

9. Remember Why You're doing this. Remember your priorities.I think this needs to be revisited for me.

10. Celebrate Progress, both large and small! I am working on this one.

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